onsdag 8 juni 2011

Vill inte.

Fanfanfanfanfanfanfanfan. Allt bara går åt helvete hela tiden! Vad ska jag göra? Vill inte ha sommarlov, vill inte vara ledig, vill inte tänka, vill inte vara svag, vill inte vill inte..

You've been down the dark detours
You have seen most of it all
Crashed into the million faces
But never listened to them talk
You've got so much on your mind right now
It doesn't even help to try to solve them all

You used to smile when hope and a pat on the back
Would last throughout the day
As the rain kept falling down on you
You wouldn't let them wash the feeling away
Hope itself dried out in you as you heard your man walking away
Without a word

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